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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Google 3D Warehouse

Google 3D warehouse serves as a sharing platform for the sketch up users to publish and share your works. The 3D model has been categoried into 2 types: geo-referenced and non-geo-referenced. The geo-referenced is a real building object which has been built and located in Google Earth, and the non-geo-referenced is just the supporting 3D model like car, people, tree & etc....

There are some helpful modeling guideline (pdf format) for your better understand how to apply a new texture/material to the model (including the tutorial in Photoshop).

Car component in Google 3D warehouse

Here are one of the sample sketch-up component which is available in Google 3D warehouse. It is all free.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sketch-up animation video

Sketch up is not only for paper presentaion, but also the animation, allow to create a fly through video. In the video, we can see how the 2D (plan) turns to 3D (form), and the 3D comes to animation (doors open & close).

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Beijing Airport by sketch up

wow! the world's largest airport in Beijing, China. Developed by Sketch up.

Sketch up components available to download

Hi all, please be informed that all the sketch up components are available by just 1 click. Who those left a message requesting the component, please go each relevant page to download from there. It would be appreciated if you guys can share your any creative libraries with us.

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