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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Solid color, by AR:2

 Osman Insurance by AR:2
M199 by AR:2
Commercial Road by AR:2 
I believe you and I like to use solid color for your SketchUp model, as opposed to mono tone mentioned in early post, this is good especially when you have material idea in your mind during the design process. Here are some samples designed by Australian architect AR:2, their design is contemporary, clean and bold.

Also visit their website for other related projects built by SketchUp.

Images © AR:2

Monday, May 09, 2011

Mono tone, by PHAB architects

Camp Hill Residence, Brisbane

Bardon Residence 2, Brisbane

Bardon Residence 2, Brisbane

Windsor Residence, Brisbane
Here are the few beautiful single house projects by Australian firm PHAB architects, they are presented in mono-tone, this method is most of architects' preferred presentation style in conceptual stage for formal expression. If you noticed, there are a wire frame next to the objects, it is good that if you wish to show its surrounding situation in relation with your house, while still keep the house as the main focus point in the drawing.

Some designers build white base for surrounding (which is in white solid), if your house design has striking color, then you can go ahead with this contrast method. Otherwise you will lose the design.

Hope this helpful.

Images © PHAB architects

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Water color effect, by Heterarchy Ltd

If you get bored of the SketchUp default effects, you can try this sketchy yet presentable effect by Heterarchy Ltd, it looks like watercolor effect, very soft, and feeling comfortable.

You can achieve it in 2 ways, either going to built-in plugin where is available from the top menu in window > styles >, there are few options that you can play with, and of course it is able to edit to your preferences, but some mapping you may need to do it in photoshop.


Touch-up in photoshop after exporting from your SketchUp, you may need some photoshop skills.

For me, I would prefer using built-in effect because it would save you a lot of time in photoshop if you have a lot of images to present, however, if you only have few nice images to show, please do not hesitate to do it in photoshop, it is a very powerful tools to enhance your presentation style and overall effect.

Have fun!

Images © Heterarchy Ltd

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to divide a line or arc into equal segments?

It is so embarrassed telling the truth here, although I have been using sketchUp for quite a long time, but recently just noticed that it's a very useful command, which is to divide a line or arc into equal segments.

So, from now on, I can throw my calculator away from and desk and say bye bye.

Here is the demonstration step by step. Let's feel free to test it out.
  1. First, you need to right click on the line or arc to display the menu (blue arrow, click on the "divide"), 
  2. you will see some red-spots, moving left-right or key in the number of segments you would like to have.
  3. Draw lines to split the surface.
That's it, easy huh...

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